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The Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS) is committed to advancing knowledge of society’s most pressing challenges, and to pursuing solutions to those challenges through innovative and interdisciplinary research, education, and engagement in the world.

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Leslie Root sheds light on recent pronatalism trends

With recent public figures championing pronatalism and growing concern from falling birth rates, greater clarity is needed on these demographic numbers. Assistant Research Professor at IBS, Leslie Root, was recently interviewed by Lisa Marshall and Nicholas Goda for CU Boulder Today. She advises of a nuanced approach to addressing population and economic challenges.

A girl and her mother play with colored cards at a round table.

New CRW grant to increase Coloradans’ access to trauma-informed, evidence-based services

The Center for Resilience and Well-Being (CRW) was recently awarded a 3 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) with several community partners. The grant will fund the five-year project, “The Community Collective for Trauma-Informed, Evidence-Based Prevention and Treatment Services.” The project has three main goals, all


IBS hosts a variety of events for the larger community to learn about new research in the behavioral and social sciences. We offer our biannual Jessor Lectures, our fall and spring semester weekly Speaker Series, as well as a variety of conferences and training sessions. Events are often held both online and in-person at the IBS Building.

IBS draws faculty from across the social and behavioral sciences in work that transcends disciplinary boundaries and illuminates the complexity of social behavior and social life.